The Story So Far:

sharp adj > 4. Acute of mind; quick to discern or distinguish; penetrating; ready at invention; witty; ingenious.
methodology noun > 2.The branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge.

The Short Version:
1962 B # is manufactured at General Tire in Waco Texas
1965 B # throws up
1972 As the Nixon Administration countinues its dirty tricks, B #'s cynicism is hardened
1978 B #'s butt appears on the second episode of Dallas, replete /w Handle Comb
1985 Pens The Contemporary Jazz Scene in London for Undergrad at UTA
1989 Berlin Wall falls; B # falls at the Rooftop Grotto Bar at the Caravan of Dreams
1992 B # 3 is formed
1994 B # 3 travels to Crete to manage the Kalathas Beach Bar and perform with Mantrata
2001 The B#3 begins Friday Nights at Fred's Texas
2004 Saint Frinatra coalesces from the B # 3
2003/4 New Year's Eve gig in England and a brief sojourn to Estonia
2006/7 Saint Frinatra performs weekly at Fort Worth's finest establishments
2008 Saint Frinatra continues to secure world peace through music

Please scroll down for the longwinded version...

Please enjoy the evolution of and if you don't believe in evolution, at least the INTELLIGENT DESIGN.

Saint Frinatra performs every Sunday 5 - 8 p.m. for JAZZ CHURCH at Fred's Texas.

Saint Frinatra performs selected dates at:

The Saint Frinatra Band Calendar

Brian Sharp has fused his two passions, music and technology, into the juggernaut before you: a media-driven sideways explanation of WHAT I DO.

Why do I do what I do? Simply because it is INESCAPEABLE and my only contribution to the jazz world heretofore has been the cultivation of unsightly mustachios. As a moderately mediocre musician that realizes IMPROVISATION is the key to a successful existence, I set down my horn after I finshed my undergrad work at UTA and The University of London to focus upon making The Caravan Of Dreams the finest Jazz Nightclub on the planet. The itch nonetheless persisted - the horn was always calling, behind the bar ready to jam with the paragons of jazz onstage or upon the ledge of The Rooftop Grotto Bar, signaling to Downtown Fort Worth that it was time for a cocktail and some straight-ahead. The scratch quelled by performing with blues great Robert Ealey throughout Texas, my affinity for jazz beckoned.

In 1992 I organized a rhythm section to back my jazz gigs consisting of Ron Green on Bass and Frank Hailey on Piano. We performed the jazz canon for corporate and society gigs throughout Fort Worth and Dallas. Cultivating relationships with the finest establishments in town, we scored by anchoring Friday Nights On The Patio at FRED'S, Texas from 2001 to 2006. Music is an integral aspect of all people's psyche - touch that nerve with the audience and share.

In 1997 I started repairing computers for some of the clientele of JJ's Hideaway, and as the Internet was a burgeoning business I teamed with Chad Cox and Richard Goodell to form CRaB Computers (Chad, Richard, and Brian).

CRaB Computers

We became the "go-to" guys on Fort Worth's West Side for individuals and small/mid-size businesses handling all aspects of IT: Hardware, Software, Netwoking, Security, and Web Presence. This venture evolved into, providing quality affordable IT services for Fort Worth and Web Sites Internationally.

The unifying force throughout both of these endeavors is IMPROVISATION. Whereas in Classical music the object is to relentlessly reproduce the intentions of the hallowed composer, Jazz requires the artist to act as a conduit for the tune through personal interpretation. A corollary exists in the establishment of the Information Age we inhabit now. In the early days, we had to IMPROVISE solutions for out clients as hardware and software tools were hopelessly complex and required a specific set of knowledge and skills. Now that computers are ubiquiteous and a majority now posess varying degrees of proficiency, still relies upon IMPROVISATION to provide the most strategic and affordable solution for our clients.

Sharp Methodology was created to give others an opportunity to share in my passion: IMPROVISATION. Enjoy your stay - browse through the creations - technology and music integrally combined. And please feel free to contact me as our services will be of value to you or your organization. Saint Frinatra is a working band that leverages technology to spread its message.